Personal Development

As cadets go through their cadet career, they will undertake and put into practice a wide variety of training that will help develop them on a personal and a professional level. 

For example, when cadets join they will learn the basics of leadership and how to function as part of, or lead a small team. If and when they get promoted, they will go on Junior Non-Commissioned Officer (JNCO) and Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) training courses during which they will learn more advanced leadership techniques, communication skills and how to take on more responsibility for things like cadet welfare, discipline and safeguarding. 

There are also other courses like the Method of Instruction (MOI) course which will help cadets deliver lessons and presentations effectively, and the Cadet Drill Instructor Course (CDrC) which will allow cadets to teach drill in the correct and effective manner.

All of these courses, along with day-to-day cadet life and the other activities we offer combine to give valuable experiences and skills that can be taken forward and used in later life.

1244 (Swindon) Squadron RAFAC
Upham Road, Swindon, SN3 1DH

Tel: 01793 250131

Facebook: @1244rafac
Twitter: @1244rafac
Instagram: @1244rafac

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