Other Activities

Like a lot of squadrons, in addition to all the activities and training mandated by RAFAC, we enjoy a variety of other activities and events that are organised just for us and the benefit of our cadets. Some examples of these include Dining In Nights and formal functions, social events, guest speakers, educational trips and museum visits.

Some of these take place on a regular basis and some are one-off. A lot of them are organised by members of staff and the civilian committee in addition to their other obligations on the squadron, but they all serve to provide as wide a variety of opportunities to the cadets as possible and make their time in RAFAC a unique and unforgettable experience.

1244 (Swindon) Squadron RAFAC
Upham Road, Swindon, SN3 1DH

Tel: 01793 250131


Facebook: @1244rafac
Twitter: @1244rafac
Instagram: @1244rafac

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