Drill & Ceremonial

Drill and ceremonial activities are a large part of Royal Air Force Air Cadets, as they are in any military organisation.

Drill is best described as the 'practise and rehearsal of prescribed movements', and in RAFAC these movements mainly relate to marching, moving about and self-conduct while in uniform. Undertaking drill, thereby learning and practising correct drill movements is an excellent way to encourage self-discipline and develop teamwork skills, as well as allowing a cadet or body of personnel to move and conduct themselves in a smart, uniform and cadet-like manner.

Ceremonial activities can be anything from a single cadet representing the ATC at a formal function, to a whole squadron, wing or region turning out for a prestigious event, such as Remembrance Sunday, Armed Forces Day or anniversaries of historical events. In all cases, there are prescribed movements, formations and codes of conduct which must be adhered to, and it is through the use of regular drill practise cadets are instilled with the ability to perform these actions to a high standard and take pride in doing so, especially when in the public eye.

1244 (Swindon) Squadron RAFAC
Upham Road, Swindon, SN3 1DH

Tel: 01793 250131


Facebook: @1244rafac
Twitter: @1244rafac
Instagram: @1244rafac

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