Supporting every squadron is a committee that is largely made up of the parents and guardians of the squadron's cadets.

The role of the civilian committee is primarily to ensure the squadron fulfils its obligations to provide the core syllabus of training to the cadets. In addition to raising and controlling the squadron funds, it assists the OC and his/her staff in organising additional events and activities to ensure the cadets get the most out of their time in the RAF Air Cadets. The committee also provides an independent link through which the parents and guardians of cadets can support the squadron, introduce new ideas and provide feedback.

Our Committee

Each RAFAC civilian committee must have a minimum of five members and includes the squadron OC to ensure that members are aware of the needs of the squadron and any upcoming events which may require support.

The current members of our committee are: 

  • Mr N Cresswell - Chairperson
  • Mrs B Horne-Smith - Treasurer
  • Mrs M Jarrett
  • Mr C Fordom 
  • Mrs T Fordom
  • Mrs J Phelps

The committee meets every four to six weeks, usually on a parade evening, and an AGM is held each spring. At meetings we run through a variety of matters, such as upcoming events, fundraising and reviewing the accounts to ensure squadron funds are being used for the benefit of the cadets. Meetings are very relaxed and we welcome new members at any time, with no obligation or pressure to contribute/help out with tasks.

The committee's main objective is to help raise funds for the squadron and its chosen charity. Fund raising is vital as although each squadron is allocated a small sum towards its administrative costs, all other expenses must be paid for from non-public funds and have to be met by the squadron itself. Other than flying, gliding, shooting and some sport, all other activities which benefit the cadets are supported through fund raising.

The committee are always looking to welcome new members and are happy to consider any ideas for activities or fundraising events that will support the cadets. Please feel free to contact the committee with your ideas or for more information. 

Contacting our committee

If you are interested in coming along to the next Civilian Committee meeting, be involved in or have suggestions for fundraising events, or if you would just like to find out more about us and what we do, please:

  • Send an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the Committee Chairperson 
  • Speak to the OC or a member of staff on a parade night

You are also welcome to attend one of the monthly committee meetings to discuss any ideas or questions that you may have. These usually take place on the first Monday of every month, see our calendar for more details.

Joining our committee

We are always pleased to welcome new members to the committee, whether you are able to attend meetings on a regular basis, or only able to offer support for a particular event/activity. If you feel you have something to contribute or are able to support the squadron as a member of the committee then please get in touch using the methods outlined above.

 Committee Testimonials

Nick : "My wife attended a Cadet presentation evening and got chatting to someone on the committee.  She knew I was after some helpers for another charity event I was running, so before I knew it, we were both on the committee, as a way to find out what mutual benefit there could be.  Since then, my wife has left (the committee, not me!), but I'm still here, enjoying the teamwork and banter."


 Tracey & Clive : “We came along to the Civ Comm meeting to find out more about what events were coming up, and see and hear how the Squadron functioned etc. Now it’s good to hear the feedback from our children and bring their ideas to the table. We have the flexibility to be as active a member as we choose”.


 Mel: “After my son joined (and was given so many opportunities to take part in new activities) I was interested in learning more and giving a bit back. The committee are a welcoming bunch and I feel like we do make a difference in supporting the squadron”. 


 Becci: “I joined the civilian committee because my friend, Mel, made me! Whilst I come to the meetings when I can, due to other commitments I can’t make each one, but the committee know this and have never pressured me into attending more than I am able. They really are a lovely bunch and I enjoy our meetings. It’s fantastic to know more about the squadron itself too.”