Here you can see our public squadron calendar, including regular parade nights and community events. Internal activities may not be listed here, so cadets should check Cadet Portal to see the full list of events/activities coming up..

Use the buttons below to display different views and date periods. Hover the cursor over an activity for a brief summary or click on the activity for full information.

Events and activities are assigned to a category depending on their type - refer to the Key at the bottom of the page.

Timings for a typical parade night are as follows:

  • 1845hrs - Squadron Open
  • 1900 - 1915hrs - Form up for first parade, registration & inspection (or other activity)
  • 1915 - 1920hrs - First parade
  • 1920 - 2010hrs - First half activity
  • 2010 - 2025hrs - Break
  • 2025 - 2110hrs - Second half activity
  • 2110 - 2120hrs - Clear down & form up for final parade
  • 2120 - 2130hrs - Final parade & dismissal
  • 2145hrs - Squadron Closed

SUBSCRIBE: You can subscribe to this calendar automatically by left-clicking this link from the device(s) you wish to subscribe from, or to setup the subscription maually right-click the link and select 'Copy address' (or similar) to get the full URL. Ensure your device is set to 'fetch' data from the server as it will not be 'pushed' to your device from the website. After you subscribe, changes on the the calendar below will be reflected on your device(s) once they have refreshed.

Parade Evening - Bubble B

Date: Wednesday 15 December 2021
Start: 19:00 hrs
End: 21:30 hrs
Location: 1244 HQ


Movie & pizza night

Food will be provided by the squadron at no cost to cadets. Festive dress is optional but encouraged.

1244 (Swindon) Squadron RAFAC
Upham Road, Swindon, SN3 1DH

Tel: 01793 250131

Facebook: @1244rafac
Twitter: @1244rafac
Instagram: @1244rafac

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